You never really know what strangeness is out there in the midnight darkness.
And when what that is out there comes to your back yard,
And you discover a bit of horror left behind after its visit,
You might conclude that is was... Something More Than A Wolf!

(Hogback Mountain, Virginia)
My name is Albert Jones and...
I know there are wolves up there on that mountain.
And over the years, I've personally seen a couple of bears and I've seen several foxes.
Deer hide behind a blade of grass, but they are all over the mountain.
The squirrels are legion in Northern Virginia, and so are the rabbit numbers.
Opossums and raccoons are all over the place, too.
And now, as of a couple of nights ago, I think something else is up there.
I awakened on that late Saturday night to the sound of a major commotion in my back yard.
Something out there in the midnight darkness was murdering something else.
I peered out of my window into the darkness, but I could not see a thing.
I believe whatever was out there saw the light from my window and ran off.
The rest of the night was quiet and I did fall back into my slumber.
Early the next morning, I went out back and oh my, the shock of what I saw.
For five years, I have allowed the groundhog that lives under my deck to live in peace.
It is a cute creature that always runs back into its burrow when I go out back.
It's OK... I love to have a little bit of wild nature living out there.
But the sight of what I saw that morning shocked, and haunted, me.
Something had dragged the Groundhog out of its burrow and ripped it to bits!
And what was absurd about this horror was... nothing of it had been eaten!
Something had destroyed this animal just for the sport of the hunt!
And whatever it was had climbed over my six foot high fence.
No, not a bear,,, and no, not a wolf... and no, definitely not a stray cat!
This creature had gripped the wood of the fence with demon claws!
I saw the outline in the wooden planks that looked like powerful clawed hands!
And it had murdered the groundhog... and it had seen me in the window!
So, as I stated at the very beginning of this missive,
I know there are wolves up there on that mountain!
Lots of new people move into this area on a weekly basis.
I'm thinking, someone has brought something here... or someone is a thing!
I've recruited my brother, Harry, to go on a little Bow hunt with me tomorrow evening!
I've got silver tipped arrows, Harry is an expert tracker... and tomorrow IS a full moon!