This is a short anecdote about a woman who loves her football!
She will even risk her life for the sake of the game!
Even if she has to confront the dark things that bump around in her attic...
For the sake of the NFL!
She is about to have a little scary... ATTIC TALK!
(Leesburg, Virginia)
Dear diary...
Today's entry is going to be short and sweet/sour, according to one's perspective.
I am getting ready to watch this much anticipated NFL football game.
But, before I settle in to watch the action, I have to talk to THEM!
I never want to go up to the attic hatch, open it and stick my head up there into the darkness.
But, they are especially noisy tonight and I have to assert myself in order to quite them.
They seem to forget that the noise they make in the darkness up there sounds like a haunted house!
And, because they exist in a spectral plane, their noises have no boundaries!
I believe they sense the Halloween season has begun again... and so, the noises.
I don't mind the boos and the whisperings... but the screams?
That is when I say no!
So I am about to ask them to quite down for a couple of hours, please.
I am sure they will comply, as usual, since I really don't bother them too often.
Oh yea, and I will, of course, not shine a light into the darkness to see them.
It only took one time, one night, with one flashlight, to realize they HATE the light!
One of them destroyed my heavy metal Maglite, crushing it like a grape...
Almost taking my hand with it!
So, I will show my trust in them and ask them for quietness for a little while.
I will tell you tomorrow night if I survive this encounter...
And how the game ends.
Goodnight, dear diary... until tomorrow!
Sally Aston signing out...
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